About Us

We’re what you would call accidental bath refinishers. My partner France and I (Chris) started our company in 2017. I was just a regular guy who was looking for work. Then one day, I met France who was walking her dog Pedro. She sold contracts for a bath refinishing services company. They had lost one of their bath refinishers and they needed someone quick. I didn’t know what a bath refinisher was but since I didn’t have much options at the time, I put in an application and they hired me.

Traditional Bath Refinishing

I learned to renew baths using techniques that 95% of bath refinishing companies use, with a compressor and spray gun.

It took about 2 months of intensive training but I learned to transform old baths by preparing the surface and then spraying them with professional bath paint. I became obsessed about learning everything I could about restoring them.

Most of the time I was working with old-looking tubs that many customers had neglected. Other times I was fixing tubs done by homeowners that had used low-quality DIY bath refinishing kits.

Spraying paint onto a bath improved the look but it wasn’t perfect. On certain jobs, the paint would peel prematurely around the drain areas and near the edges of the tile walls. Also, the smell of the chemicals and the paint were toxic.

After a few months, I started getting sick from the paint fumes. I wore a full-faced mask to protect me but it didn’t. I had a hard time breathing and my lungs would get congested.

A New Way Of Refinishing Baths

Getting sick was a blessing because we started looking for alternatives.

France told me about an odourless product she had found months before I started working with the company. Unfortunately, the product was more expensive so our boss rejected the idea. So she never did anything more with it but suggested we take a look at it again.

I was skeptical because it went against everything I learned about bath refinishing. But, I needed to see it for myself. So I went to a supplier that offered the product and provided training.

When I saw and felt the finished product I knew this was the product we were looking for. So France and I decided to start our own bath refinishing services company in Montreal. France came up with the name Durabath Products and Services.

Fast Forward to Today

It’s been 5 years now and we’re still alive and kicking and serving more customers. We’ve been able to do this because of the service levels we provide to our customers.

We’ve completed over 2000+ baths, shower trays and sinks and it has been one heck of a journey.

Along the way we have worked with many great residential and commercial businesses. And if you’re curious to see which ones, then you can check out our Businesses page.

We’re truly grateful to have this business and to be serving so many great customers.

Why Should You Work With Us?

We Understand You

We know exactly what you are going through.

You’re here because you have an old looking tub (or shower tray) but don’t want to replace it.

You’re looking for products that are durable, look good, aren’t dangerous to your health and easy to apply. But, you’re not necessarily looking for a cheap product that won’t last.

You’re here because you have a real concern for the environment.

You’re here because you want to save money by doing it yourself (instead of paying a professional to do it). 

You’re here because you need our expert help and guidance on how to do this.

We Use Only High Quality Eco-Friendly Products

Every product we offer on our website are products we have personally tested and used with our  customers. Our criteria is simple: everything has to be high quality, safe for you (and the environment), durable and it has to look good.

If you have the same requirements or standards for your DIY bath refinishing project then you’ve come to the right place.

The products we offer are odourless and safe but very resistant. From our DIY Bath Resurfacing Kits to our clear coat anti slip which prevents slips, falls and injury. 

We’ve Created Step-By-Step Videos To Guide You

During the 3 years of serving our customers, we reglazed a lot of baths and shower trays. 

We had a lot of success but we also made some mistakes too (we’re only human :)). This is what helped us to become better. Also the training we received (when we first started) was inadequate so we had to figure out a lot of stuff on our own. 

Luckily, we learned a bunch of lessons and we share that information in our Free Step-By-Step videos and manuals to prevent you from making the same mistakes we did. We produce quality videos and show you the little details so that you can produce the same results and create a beautiful bath.. And, if you do make mistakes (because we know you’re also human :)) we show you how to fix them.

We Provide You With Support You Need

We know that you will probably have questions. So that is why we have email and phone support setup to answer any questions you may have. This way you can have the confidence to start and complete this project successfully.

A Cost Effective Alternative To Replacement

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