Bath Reglazing Specialists

Bath reglazing services have been around for many years. And there are many companies that offer this service. 

There are only 2 ways to refinish a bath: Using a compressor and spray gun or using a pour-on method. 95% of refinishing companies spray their baths and only 5% use the pour-on method (This is the method we use)

Our Process

Bath Refinishing Process


Prepare and Clean Bath


Protect Bath Environment


Paint Bath and Let It Cure


Apply Caulking

Here’s How The Spray Method Compares To The Pour-On Method:
Traditional Spray MethodPour-On Method
OdoursPaint is has a strong toxic smellPaint is Odourless and Non-Toxic
Exhaust Fan A exhaust fan is need to suck fumes out of the bathroom to an open window.No exhaust fan is needed
SafetyNot recommend stay in home while work is performedHomeowners can be in the home while work is being performed
OversprayThere is a lot of paint overspray.
Bathroom needs to be protected with a lot of protective plastic and paper sheets
No overspray. So no protection needed in the bathroom
ThicknessUsually 2 - 3 coats that are applied and thickness is between 1 - 2 mmOnly one coat needed. It is between 3 - 5 mm
DurabilityIt may peel after awhileIt DOES NOT peel
FinishFinish may vary (orange peel finish, matte finish, temporary glossy finish)Application creates a consistent Porcelain-Like finish
Our Process
Toxic Odours and Messy
Our Process
Odourless and Creates Less Mess

An Eco friendly Solution

Our experienced team uses safe, odorless and non-toxic bath coating products and accessories. Our product is a unique epoxy-based paint that provides a high quality finish to your bathtub.

Benefits of our solution :

The restoration and reglazing process helps you save up to 80% compared to the cost of installing a new bathtub. Refinishing is also beneficial for the environment, it allows you to recycle a functional tub and give it a brighter look.

Our Process