If you notice that your bath has lost its shine or is looking old you’ve probably done some research to see if you can actually paint a bath. This is normally known as bath reglazing, tub resurfacing or bathtub refinishing.

The answer is yes, you can reglaze a tub.


You have the option of hiring a professional or doing it yourself. It doesn’t matter if you hire someone or tackle the project on your own, the process is the same. And the time it takes to refinish is the same, about 3 – 4 hours. 


It all  depends on the type of solution you choose. There are spray on solutions, roll-on solutions or a pour-on solution.


Why does it take this much time?


To answer this question you have to understand the process. Below is a brief summary of what is involved when you use a 2-part epoxy-based pour-on solution. 


  1. You need to clear any items from the bath such as the shower curtain, shampoo bottles, soap dish, etc. Anything that could get in the way of the job.
  2. Drain overflow and old caulking or silicone around the tub needs to be removed.
  3. The surface has to be prepared. If it was previously painted then you need to check if the paint comes off easily. If so, you will have to strip the tub completely. 
  4. The bath then needs to be etched.
  5. Then you have to clean the tub and ensure all dirt and grease is cleaned from the surface. 
  6. The tub and surrounding areas need to be dried since water and paint don’t mix well together.
  7. The tub and surrounding areas need to be protected with protective paper and tape.
  8. The paint needs to be mixed well for about 10 minutes.
  9. Then the paint is applied. This process can range between 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.
  10. The area needs to be cleaned.