When metal baths or cast iron baths are made they have a protective coating which is porcelain enameled steel or porcelain enameled cast iron.


The enamel protective coating is applied on steel or cast iron and then cooked in a furnace which creates a porcelain like finish. It is extremely durable.


Though porcelain enamel is extremely resistant, normal wear and tear can cause the enamel on your bath to lose its shine and in some cases may begin to chip in certain areas.


If this is a problem you’re currently experiencing with your bathtub you want to find out how much it costs to re enamel it.


The average cost is $500 when you hire a professional bath refinisher. 


When you do it yourself, the cost could range from $40 to $200.


The cheapest bath paints are the ones that are sprayed on. The problem with this solution is the overspray that may land on your tile walls, floor, sink or other areas in your bathroom.


The other problem is that it doesn’t last. A few months if you’re lucky.


The next bath paints are rolled on. These are usually 2-part systems that need to be mixed to create a reaction. These paints are usually epoxy-based and bond better to the surface of the bath. 


The problem with this solution is the strong smell and the other problem is that it is rolled on. If you apply too much paint or are not skilled at rolling paint onto a bath then you may see roll lines or paint drip lines. 


The last type of bath paint is the one that is poured on. This is the most expensive type. Armoglaze is a 2-part pour-on solution. It is enamel on an epoxy base. It’s similar to the porcelain enamel that is cooked onto the bath. In this case when the resin and hardener are mixed it reacts to provide optimal bonding and curing.