There are a few reasons why you would consider reglazing your bathtub:

  • You have an old tub with a color you don’t like, it could be pink or yellow for example. 
  • You recently renovated your bathroom and changed your wall tiles but decided to leave the bath to save on costs. Now you realize that the bath makes everything else look old.
  • You have an old bath that has lost its shine through normal wear and tear. 


There are only 2 options available for you. You can either replace the tub completely or reglaze the bath. Let’s take a look at both options and you can decide which one makes sense for you.


Option 1 – Bath Replacement


  • Cost – The average cost to replace a tub is over $3500.
  • Time – A bath renovation project like this can take between 3 – 5 days (or more) to complete.
  • What’s needed – Unless you can perform this renovation yourself you will need to hire a professional. They will have to break the tile walls, floor and remove the bath. They will then have to re-install a new bath and rebuild everything again.


Option 2 – Bath Refinishing


  • Cost – The average cost to refinish a tub is about $500 if you hire a professional. And under $200 if you Do It Yourself using a DIY Bath Resurfacing Kit.
  • Time – The process to refinish a bath takes between 3 – 4 hours. It takes 2 full days for the enamel or epoxy to cure.
  • What’s needed – All old caulking and drain overflow needs to be removed. The surface of the tub has to be prepared and cleaned. The bath and surrounding area needs to be protected. The paint has to be applied. The area has to be cleaned. 48 hours later you have a new bath.


In both situations mentioned above, 95% of the time the bath is still perfectly functional.

Is Bath Reglazing Really Worth It?


From a cost savings perspective, resurfacing your bath is definitely worth it.