Notre Histoire
Contrairement aux compagnies traditionnelles de réémaillage de bains et de bases de douches, nous avons découvert une façon d'appliquer la peinture pour baignoires sans rendre nos travailleurs ou nos clients malades.
Les seuls outils dont nous avons besoin pour appliquer la peinture sont une formule spéciale de colle époxy pour bains (faite à base d'émail), une spatule, la gravité et une attitude gagnante :).
Nous avons jusqu'à présent réémaillé plus de 2000 baignoires.
Au début de 2020, nous avons voulu changer notre façon de gérer notre entreprise. Mais c'était seulement une idée, et nous avions de la difficulté à laisser tomber la partie service de notre travail car nous aimons travailler directement avec nos clients.
Then the Pandemic hit….And everything just stopped. The hotels, universities and property management companies put everything on hold including the renovation of their baths. With an uncertain market there was no unnecessary spending.
So we played the waiting game. A day turned to a week. A week to a month and then two and three… It was hell waiting for something to happen.
Mais, même si la pandémie nous avait mis au tapis, nous n'étions pas K.O.
We got tired of waiting and we asked ourselves some powerful questions. One of the questions we asked was, “How can we help our customers during this time (and all the time)?”
The answer was obvious, “Empower them. Teach them how to do it too”. But not just how to do it, but how to do it consistently well.” This was the change we were looking for. The change that would benefit everyone.
La refinition de baignoires, en ligne !!!
Pourquoi Devriez-vous Travailler Avec Nous ?
Nous vous comprenons
You’re here because you have an old-looking tub (or shower tray) but don’t want to replace it.
You’re looking for products that are durable, look good, aren’t dangerous to your health, and easy to apply. But, you’re not necessarily looking for a cheap product that won’t last.
You’re here because you have a real concern for the environment.
You’re here because you want to save money by doing it yourself (instead of paying a professional to do it).
You’re here because you need our expert help and guidance on how to do this.
Nous Utilisons Exclusivement des Produits Écologiques de Haute Qualité
If you have the same requirements or standards for your DIY bath refinishing project then you’ve come to the right place.
The products we offer are odorless and safe but very resistant. From our DIY Bath Resurfacing Kits to our clear coat anti-slip which prevents slips, falls, and injury.
We’ve Created Step-By-Step Videos To Guide You
We had a lot of success but we also made some mistakes too (we’re only human :)). This is what helped us to become better. Also, the training we received (when we first started) was inadequate so we had to figure out a lot of stuff on our own.
Luckily, we learned a bunch of lessons and we share that information in our Free Step-By-Step videos and manuals to prevent you from making the same mistakes we did. We produce quality videos and show you the little details so that you can produce the same results and create a beautiful bath. And, if you do make mistakes (because we know you’re also human :)) we show you how to fix them.
Nous Fournissons le Soutien Dont Vous Avez Besoin
If you want to get started on this project you’ll need to:
- Regarder nos vidéos tutoriels. Inscrivez-vous Ici.
- Procurez-vous notre Kit de Refinition de Baignoires Ici.
- Enfin, Commencez le Réémaillage de Votre Propre Bain !